Often, a couple’s last To Do is book a wedding videographer.
Totally get it. And it’s why I’m sharing info most brides don’t know.
There’s a slight stigma (dun dun dunnnnn) around the relationship between videographers and wedding photographers. But there doesn’t have to be.
You can have a team that works GREAT together. Here’s why and how to find the right fit for your wedding.
Are Your Wedding Photographer and Videographer in Sync?
The ideal scenario: Let’s say you have a San Diego photographer. They’ve worked with a videographer at many weddings. They have a similar style; they’re on the same page.
AKA you end up with gorgeous wedding photos AND video.
Here’s how to get that great partnership.
Ask Your Wedding or Elopement Photographer for Recommendations
First, talk to your wedding or elopement photographer. Let them know you’re hiring a wedding videographer. Especially if you don’t have a set person in mind.
For example, I love giving referrals.
I’m here to help you, so holler if you’re in search of masters who create non-cheesy, creative wedding videos. I work best with San Diego videographers (and beyond) who have a candid style and work quickly without disrupting the story of the day.
Have the Wedding Videographer and Photographer Meet
In some cases, it might be a good idea for your videographer and wedding photographer to get together and talk about goals. This is even more key if they don’t know each other. At the meeting:
Share your goals.
Is one more priority – the photos or the wedding video?
What look do you prefer, lots of poses or many candid shots?
Based on your wedding goals, the photographer and videographer can discuss ideas and try to find a plan of action everyone agrees on.
If it doesn’t seem that this partnership will be seamless, that’s the time for the next discussion.
Why Wedding Videographers and Photographers Must Align
The discussion is a not a negative thing. It’s better to make sure the video and photo team will work well together BEFORE the wedding.
It’s out of so so much love!
For example, some videographers may require:
-Having several tripods, rigs and shooters
-Requests for retakes and revisions
These can shift the focus from a more candid, storytelling style of photos.
And that’s okay. It may just mean getting a different wedding photographer or videographer.
4 People With Cameras Can be Overwhelming
I think you need to ask yourself if you want 4 people with cameras around you at all times on your wedding day.
It can be a little overwhelming
Not just for you, but also for me as an artist! Having two wedding videographers hovering over my shoulder all day can really suck the creativity out of me.
If they aren’t hovering over my shoulder for the same shot, I have to pay extra attention to where they are to make sure no one is photo bombin’ my shot.
Very often I capture great wedding photos that are ruined by photobombing videographers.
I suggest requesting 1 videographer or a limited number of tripods/rigs.
Talk Wedding Videographers with Your Wedding Photographer
If you’re interested in working with me, San Diego photographer and destination wedding photoger,
That’s already the plan (cheers!)…
Here are some of my favorite, beloved videographer vendor referrals:
Videographer: Motus Films
Videographer: Max Cutrone Films
Videographer: Aubrey Alba Films
This is real talk y’all!
I share this because if you want more candid photos, it’s critical to consider how the videographers will change your wedding day. Again, I’m totally for wedding videographers if thats what you want (cheers to all that motion goodness).
But I’d rather talk this out now – so you can go into your wedding day knowing you crossed all your T’s & dotted your I’s.